The kids daycare went ahead and had pictures taken the other day.
I told Nat that we weren't going to buy any of their pictures because it was a waste of money & we had pictures taken of the kids a couple months ago. I stopped by and said I would take a peek at the proofs even though I wasn't going to purchase any of them.
They smiled and proceeded to take me to the cleaners. I am just impressed that they got the boys to dress up and sit still.
I thought they turned out pretty good & bought the proofs. The packages they had were outragous. I didn't know pictures could cost that much. Unfortunately they will do this each year. Next year maybe I will pay the kids to not cooperate. That would be cheaper then buying the pictures.
I will admit that they did a good job catching the personality of the children in their pictures. That is probably the only reason I opted to buy them.