Saturday, January 8, 2011

The joys of moving

I really don't know what to write as far as posts lately. So much seems to be happening lately, but it's hard to tell the actual effects of the events that are transpiring.
I got a new job in Salt Lake, we moved to Tooele, and now we are living with Tom & Gwen until our home sells in Idaho. That's the short of it. Many small things have transpired to get us here, but here we are.
We had the family come up and help us haul all our stuff down to Tooele. We loaded up four trailers and trucks and moved everything down. We filled a storage unit, part of the milk barn, and Tom's basement. It is amazing how much junk a person can aquire in a few short years. I really need to get rid of more things.
It has been a big adjustment living back in civilization. We have enjoyed being closer to family. It has been a blast to spend time with Tom & Gwen. We haven't spent a lot of time with them one on one and it is fun to get to know them better.
Natalie has been getting everything lined up to go to the University of Utah. She really misses her friends at ISU and the great program that they had there. The program at the "U" is quite different and she is a bit nervous.
The boys are excited that they will get to hank out with Tammy, William, and Jackson during the day. We are excited that they will be in a better enviornment.
Life has turned upside down for us, but we know that this is where the Lord wants us and we pray that we will be able to find a play of our own to settle soon.

1 comment:

Stacee Maree said...

welcome back to Tooele.