Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Renovation Again!!

I decided the other night that the kids needed a wee bit more color in their life, (or maybe the brown wood paneling throughout the house is driving me nuts). We had a couple cans of paint laying around and I figured that I could mix colors together and come up with something fun. Natalie was gone to school so the kids and I started in on Keagan's room. She wasn't quite as amused as I thought she would be. Oh wait, she was. She didn't quite enjoy the Blue and the Green combination. I thought that it was exciting and cheerful. I was still trying to decide what combination we were going to use for Corbin & Sara's room.
The following Saturday I was installing a light in Keagan's ceiling since the majority of our house doesn't have lighting in the ceiling and makes it quite dark. Natalie suggested that we take down the temperary wall between the two kids rooms. We thought that they might do better keeping their room clean and it would give them a larger area to play and the toys wouldn't spread through the house. A few moments later "walla" wall gone, wierd tile stip in the center of the room, and my partial paint job looks stupid. The kids are having fun sharing a room together. They really enjoy the play area. Hopefully our renovation days are about up, we've got some playing to do.

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