Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Break?.....Who needs a break, we've been sitting around all winter?

Natalie has been out of school and we have been busy. The roof in the homestead house started to cave in this winter and we decided that it was time for it to come down. Getting it down was going to be the easy part.

We had to clear out a bunch of dead pines so we would have enough room for a generous neighbor with a loader to get in and knock the house down and pile it up so we can burn it. We might still need to clear some more of the pines out of the way before we burn the pile. I am a bit concearned with the fire spreading so we will make sure that we have ample space.

I pulled out a corner with the pickup just for the fun of it, but I quickly relized that the project was more than what I could tackle on my own.

Last night he came over with his loader and took the roof off, knocked the walls over, and started making a pile for us. It was pretty amazing how quickly the whole project went.

We will still have quite a bit to clean up to do and we are still not quite sure what we are going to do with the area, but it sure opens things up quite a bit.


Dawny said...

Wow!! What a project.

Moormann Clan said...

Looks like a mess to me.. :) It will be nice to have that gone and all cleaned up. Good work